Git Version Control
Created on Sep 22, 2021Version Control:
In simple words, a version means a record(track). In terms of software coding, developers need to manage records or track programs, documents, and other collections of information. The process which is used to control this system is called the Version control system.
The version control system is designed to maintain record changes within one or more files over time. It maintains records like who, when, and what changes were made. We can compare one file to the previous or next version of the file to check who, when what change we made. We can also revert the back and change file.
Why I am mentioning the file instead of code? Because Git is a free and distributed version control system. It can be used to control all types of files like video, audio, word, excel sheets, images..etc Version control software keeps track of every modification to the code in a special kind of database. If something goes wrong, developers can go back and compare earlier versions of the code to fix the mistake while minimizing disruption to all team members.
Types are 3 of version control system
# Local Version Control System:-
- This is the simplest form of the version control system. It is a local database located on your local machine. in which every file change is stored as a patch.
# Centralized Version Control System:-
- Centralized version control systems are based on the idea that there is a single central copy of your code somewhere on the server and coders will commit their changes to this central code.
# Distributed Version Control System:-
- Distributed version control system is a type of version control where the complete code base including its complete history is mirrored on every coder's computer.